Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Double X Vitamins?

Check out this eye opening review:
Emphasis mine.

Let’s look at their flagship product… Double-X. No, it’s not the name of a late-night movie, it’s the name of their multivitamin.

You’re supposed to take all three pills, twice a day. Once in the morning once in the evening. Sounds delish. It is beyond me why they can’t just be like Costco and let you take one tablet per day in the morning for all your vitamin needs, but whatever. I’m not Nutrilite.

Unlike other leading multivitamins, a single serving of DOUBLE X is what you need your vitamin to be – 12 essential vitamins, 10 essential minerals, and 20 plant concentrates, giving you the antioxidant power of tomato, blueberry, broccoli, cranberry, pomegranate, and more. The B vitamins found in the NUTRILITE DOUBLE X Multivitamin unlock the energy in your food, and Double X contains more B6 and B12 vitamins than Centrum® Performance and One-a-Day Active® combined! In a clinical study, NUTRILITE DOUBLE X was shown to improve blood nutrient levels to provide your cells with the energy they need to support a healthy heart, brain, eyes, skin, bones, and immune system.

Hm… do you see a contradiction? In the directions, it says to take the three tablets twice daily… however, it says “a single serving of DOUBLE X is what you need your vitamin to be.” So why take it twice daily if a single serving will do the trick? Furthermore, most vitamins I come across are single servings daily. Also, look at the %DV of a single serving. Most of them are well over 100%, so why take it twice? The ones that are less than 100% are ones that you will get regardless unless you eat chalk for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Now, to tie it all up… the cost. Double X? $75 retail price for 1-2 months of consumption. Let’s say 2 months. So average cost of $37.5 / month.

Centrum Silver? Drum roll please… we have a whopping twenty bucks for 220 capsules… That’s almost $3 / month. Even if it’s two capsules per day, it’s $6 / month.


Anonymous said...

does cotsco have any plant concentrates? i don't think so. so nutrilite daily should be a good comparison to cotsco.. not double x..only one tablet a day. and i think daily is cheaper than cotsco.

as it is a vitamin. you can take as much as or as little as you want. twice daily is just a suggestion.

if you are not nutrilite..why bother to compare anyway..just take cotsco if you think they are better..people have the rights to choose what they can effort.

Joecool said...

Plant concentrates don't mean anything as long as your body absorbs what it needs to from the vitamin. Did you bother to read the article on the link?

Anonymous said...

many of the vitamins in double x are synthetic. Pay 75 bucks for synthetic vitamins!? no thanks

Jon said...

Nutrilite daily is still more expensive than costco's daily multivitamin. Nutrilite daily is 11.30 for a 90 count bottle while Costco's Daily Multi is 12.75 for 500 count. Also according to Double X's own packaging it has synthetic vitamins B6, B12, C and magnesium to start..

Anonymous said...

Hey JoeCool, im not even in amway and i'll admit that you are wrong about the serving size. The box of double x says it is a 31-day supply. Now if their suggested use is twice a day, then that means the same thing as a serving size. Before you go screaming fraud, why don't you check everything else, that is why 100 calorie pack food is so popular. Because people like you who don't want to take the extra time to count.

Anonymous said...

anon @11:53, go crawl into a hole.

**proud Amway hater**

Anonymous said...

All NUTRILITE products consist of plant-based nutrients called phytonutrients (chemical make up similar to antioxidants)that protect tissues and cells from free radicals. We cannot get the necessary amount needed through our diet alone. Double X is worth every penny for that reason alone. Costco's brands are synthetic meaning they have fragments of whole nutrients and are often unrecognized by the body which is what usually causes drug like reactions...doing more harm than good. The reason it does that is because there are components of nutrients missing and they also contain binding agents and fillers that inhibit the body from absorbing nutrients. They actually deplete existing stores of nutrients over time in order to provide that quick, temporary reaction.

I will not be coming back on this blog because I see no need for argument or wasting my time. I just like to take a couple minutes out of my week to correct these types of blogs from destroying a great product and a company.

So take your cheap pills from Costco... You get what you pay for and you are what you eat.

Joecool said...

Anon @ August 11. Any unbiased evidence to support your claim or are you just repeating what your upline told you?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jc..I like your analytical approach, and some of your findings..I could place links here about 'said co' that would make any mlm or ntwk mrktr rethink their membership, but that's another chapter. I'd like to ask you to go look at another bus-opp that I've joined 9mos ago, and tell me what you think. It's not a pitch to join, but of course, the greatest vote of confidence you could give would to be to join us, and i'd gladly welcome you aboard! Please check it out and share your opinion with me (give me an honest assessment!) ok to send info to: thnx!!

Anonymous said...

The only issue I had with this "review", was that you're extremely biased. I couldn't take you seriously because it was just so personal, as if double x vitamins actually ran over your dog, or something. Try to be more neutral next time you review something, and let the facts do the real talking. Also, excluding whether or not they were good or bad, there shouldn't be such a outrage against higher prices. It's like eating at McDonald's every night instead of buying fresh fruits and vegetables, just because it's more expensive, and really in the long run, how much is a heart transplant going to cost? Of course to an extent, the price of something shouldn't over shadow it's quality. In saying that, it does appear that double x vitamins are partly synthetic, which is disappointing only because it claims to be 100% natural.

Joecool said...

I didn't do the review. It was done by someone else. I just linked and posted the article. I think double x is a poor value myself.

Anonymous said...

If you ae comparing Double X to Centrum Silver, do the test. Double X is not only way better in ingredients but it will totally disolve allowing your body to absorb the nutrients. Centrum Silver does not.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a headache daily, but now it's less and I'm using Double X recently, I have more energy to manage my 2 little monsters and if I can't take a nap during the day I didn't get any headache like I had before. I throw away big box of One A Day because it doesn't work for me as Double X. If you are membership with Amway you only pay $50.99 , not bad for such effective vitamins .

Anonymous said...

Personal testimonies speak so much louder than all the other garbage people like to post. If you don't like the product, don't take it. there is no reason to be hateful towards something that doesn't affect you at all.

Anonymous said...

who ever wrote this is an idiot- NUTRILITE BEEN AROUND B4 AMWAY AND HAS BEEN THE LEADING AND TOP SELLING VITAMINS FOR 75 years/ amways been around 53 years! Also who ever said there is synthetics they are wrong Ive personally been to the NUTRILITE farm and seen how they are processed and made. Also DOUBLE X also helps kids with Autism and does more that is why in every article in every magizine they have been talked about EVERYONE including doctors says its unbelievable what it can do, Also you cant compare it to coscos- they have fillers- also 1 server is 2 of each pills the reason you take it twice a day is because it is so POTENT!

Anonymous said...

Double X is rated 8.3 effective, that's 8th. Centrum is only a 4.6. A rating under 8.0 isn't even worth taking. That's why it costs's better! Check the facts on vitamins here

Joecool said...

Doesn't matter. Most vitamins just make expensive urine!

Anonymous said...

Joecool,ur comments are a waste of my expensive time. if ure too poor to even try the double X vitamins, blame yourself not the product for being expensive. I'm pretty sure you can afford to waste up loads of money on a saturday night on pints of alcohol which you'd never complain about. But when there are clear evidences proving the product is cent per cent legit and worth the weight, your pea brain aint letting you accept the fact. go get a life man.

Joecool said...

I did try double x. They suck. They should be called piss supplements because that's basically what they are.

Try to prove that double x works. And don't use Nutrilite studies. See how that works for you.

Your time is expensive? LOL, you ain't making squat from Amway.

davidhunternyc said...

Instead of everyone harping on each other in this thread, why can't we all put our heads together and try and come up with evidence as to why Nutrilite Double X is good for you or bad for you? The ONLY way to do this is through science. There needs to be an independent lab (outside of Nutrilite) interested enough in this product to put it through the scientific testing it needs, such as, testing the integrity of the ingredients, its absorption into the blood stream, and whether or not this is a healthy supplement. This would take quite a bit a ground work and time. Until then (just like the mysterious world of antioxidants) we will not know if these vitamins are any more beneficial to our health than the generic brands. We will be left to pointing fingers and bickering.

Anonymous said...

AMYWAY is a piece of S*** You idiots are being brainwashed. My brother fell a victim to Amway and then he got in so much debt because he kept buying BS to keep up with his "business". HAH! now who's laughing B****. Your basically building someone else's empire. And the person that said "compare Double X to Centrum....Double X dissolves in your body Centrum does not" how come you didn't mention your part of the Amway Circus? :) because I re-call being dragged to one of their BS "meetings" and they used the exact same comparison :) Amway is a joke and the only smart person is the heartless dumbF*** who invented this "business" $150 and your automatically a independent business owner...LMAOOOOOO ohh wait and I HAVE to listen to the "diamond" in the group because apparently he's God. hahah...Well, why you guys are paying the same amount of money I pay to buy myself a nice pair of Jimmy Choo Shoes in hopes to one day hit it big for yourself (which you will never) I'm gonna go & make lots of money tomorrow at work....u know since I actually finished school and passed my bar exam :) ohh did i forget to mention Amyway states you can become a millionaire and not even go to school or get an education??? yeah! just keep doing amyway and dropout of whatever your doing and you'll become Rich!!! :) (thats what my brothers "diamond" stated) lolllllllll

Anonymous said...

If you don't like amway products then don't buy it!! But you need to move on and not beat yourself up cause amway will still be here when you're 6ft under!!

Anonymous said...

Double X is #1 in the world!..Period, there is no malti-vitamin that is touching them and there progression in impacting other peoples lives..Im am an Amway IBO, and the business is awsome!..its literally changed the life of my family and myself..spirtually,financially,and health wise as well...if you "were" in amway and you QUIT...then your a quiter, and you feared to grow yourself, you failed at life, and now your going to work for someone else for the rest of your life...Its cant

Anonymous said...

Lol Its so funny what quiters say about amway....Amway is a great company!, has changed thousands of my own...if your mad you QUIT yell at yourself, Its a business where you must grow yourself to impacta others...no1s fault your a coward and a low life who will work for someone else for the rest of your life...seriously get a life...and all you amway haters take your head out your ass, and man up and fight for your dream..and if not step outta the way for the move makers...theres nothing like freedom...too bad youll never know low just keep sucking on Amways Dick, theyll keep making there billions and impacting others for the better with or without u...and double X is the bomb #1 baby!!!

Anonymous said...

With the tone of hatred you have in your writing I would say that you are a pathetic lazy loser. If you tried to build any kind of a business, let alone Amway, with that caustic attitude I doubt you would get, let alone keep, any customers.

Anonymous said...


davidhunternyc said...

I have a question about Nutrilite Double X Vitamins. I stopped using them because whenever I would take a pill, even with food in my stomach, they would give me stomach pains. If I took two pills at once, the pain in my stomach would hurt so much, I would bowl over. I know these vitamins are supposed to be so good for you but I quit taking them. Am I the only one with these symptoms?

davidhunternyc said...

I have a question about Nutrilite Double X Vitamins. I stopped using them because whenever I would take a pill, even with food in my stomach, they would give me stomach pains. If I took two pills at once, the pain in my stomach would hurt so much, I would bowl over. I know these vitamins are supposed to be so good for you but I quit taking them. Am I the only one with these symptoms?

Anonymous said...

Am in the amway business and am a body builder and I take supplements and the bottle xs and the can xs and the protein are the best because the protein dose not contain lots of calories and you can still have the energy to work out and build muscle but the double x do hurt my stomach

Anonymous said...

If you have taken it for more than 3 weeks, you would see improvements in your physical and mental health. I am just about finishing my first box and I know I have noticed more energy and a much better feeling all day.

You say "Try to prove that double x works. And don't use Nutrilite studies. See how that works for you."

Thats like trying to explain the color blue to a blind person. If you don't accept scientifically proven studies you must be the most stubborn douche bag.

Joecool said...

LOL, do you think Nutrilite will give itself bad reviews? You must be the dumbest douche bag.

Anonymous said...

Double X uses Synthetic forms of Vitamines A, C, D E and B12. Just look at the box and google the listed vitamines. This is not opinion, it is fact.

Anonymous said...

I have read all of these opinions and, though valid, are just that...opinions. Not all supplements will necessarily work for everyone. I have been in and out of Amway and other multi-levels. MUCH is hype and brainwashing. Much is changing lives. It is what you make of it. As I learned back in the late 70's when I was first in Amway, Nutrilite was a company unto itself. Amway bought Nutrilite to get into the supplement business. Amway knew NOTHING about that side of the coin. Their scientists or whatever were not the ones actually creating the vitamins. I can't say they work or not. They never did for me. The size also bothers me. They claim all natural and all. The jury is still out. I know about them "buying air space" for purity and all. Sounds suspicious. How can you buy air space? I don't know about their studies and verification of their claims. Have they been written up in any medical journals? How do they test? With their own people?

I DO know that there is a company that, from DAY ONE, has made and formulated all their own supplements. Most of the first of anything in this field came from the founder. If they cannot find the absolute purest of pure components (like Asian finding for example) they won't make the products. Same with kava. The total integrity of the company is unsurpassed. It started as a vitamin company and expanded to home. Amway started as a soap company. I like a company with integrity and started with what would go into my body. I like a company that has been written up in many medical journals for a number of various reasons. I like a company that has (I don't know how many) patents on their products. Last I knew it was over 20. I also like knowing that every supplement is independently tested in double-blind studies to be what they claim to be true. If these labs find a's back to the drawing board. INTEGRITY and truth and trust. Just put the multi into a glass of water. Within 17 minutes the vitamin is totally dissolved, showing the quick absorbancy into the system. I don't know of any others that can make this claim. This company is the Shaklee Corporation. There is no talc, petroleum, lead...yes LEAD in these pills, as in most others. Before anyone decides either way, DO YOUR HOMEWORK. If something makes you I'll, what is that saying?:

Unknown said...

As a former Distributor. I consumed Double X at the retail price before I became a distributor. The science if evaluated is beyond comparison. If you remove the bias on the multilevel marketing sale system and look at the facts, the results are beyond substantiation. Their creating the Nutraceutical and labeling system for the industry is unprecedented. Do the study on the coating of the table, second to none!
Time will not permit a full explanation of the their science. I am no long a distributor but could never stop using the XX product. Never confuse price versers cost when comparing products.

If your mind is like cement ( all mixed up and permanently set), then the facts are meaningless to you.


Joecool said...

Galo, perhaps you can link us to evidence that double x is better than other vitamins. Evidence that is not provided by Nutrilite or Amway.

Adrin said...

I am an endurance athlete competing at a high level. Specifically, I am a Category 1 bike racer and I swear on the effectiveness of Double X. I am not an Amway member. I have been taking Double X for several weeks now and I feel my energy levels increase and stabilize throughout the day. I take 1 set in the morning after breakfast and another set at night just before bedtime to provide my body with nutrients and minerals for rebuilding itself during sleep. I must say that I am amazed at how much Double X improves my recovery rate, especially when taking 2 sets of Double X daily as opposed to 1 set only. Without Double X, or when I was on a much cheaper multivitamin brand, I need about 8 to 9 hours of sleep. With Double X taken just before bedtime, I need only 7 hours of sleep and wake up feeling as fresh as I did sleeping 8 to 9 hours on a cheap multivamin. I train 6 days a week, 1 to 6 hours per day and such a demanding training plan drains the body of a lot of nutrients and minerals. When not supplementing on Double X, I regularly experience dips in my energy levels, usually in the afternoons but with Double X, my energy levels are more regulated throughout the day - no sleepiness in the afternoons, just feeling alert and clear the entire day. I'm writing all this based on personal experience. My body is like a lab that I use for testing out different supplements and diet/lifestyle changes and none of this is based on or influenced by Amway propaganda. Of course, you can enjoy all these benefits also I you're on a multivitamin from a reputable brand. From my experience, cheap stuff usually don't work. Don't be a scrooge when it comes to paying for multivits, more expensive multivits are usually worth their price. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Also, other factors such as lifestyle, diet, etc. play important roles too. Just taking multivits and being a full time couch potato eating only Big Macs and Coke won't do you much good.

davidhunternyc said...

Then how come every time I take a Double X Vitamin, I get extreme stomach pains? What's wrong?

Anonymous said...

i took double x and my health getting better, thats all i care. there might be other better brands but i was lazy to tried out 1 by 1.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not for you. There is nothing right for everyone

Rick said...

Anything your body doesn't absorb is wasted, and a majority of synthetic vitamins are wasted.

DoubleX is one I have used and I actually feel the difference...
Been using it for years and most of my friends look ragged out but I'm doing well.

Check out this guys video...

Maybe Double X isn't for you but if you are looking for quality and nutrition, yes go with the Double X
Quality and the real stuff always costs more...

Rick said...

I have had that issue when I take it on an empty stomach, take them right after a meal...

Although, sometimes people are allergic to vitamins/minerals, sometimes people are not used to the concentration because of poor diet.

Break the tabs in two and ease yourself on them...
or take one of the three and wait to see which is causing the issue... the mineral tab usually makes me sicker on an empty stomach.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...


Paul says:

Hey! The vitamins now tear up my stomach also. I have serious experience with Double X, have been taking it for close to 17 years. A few years ago they changed the formula, and I get a stomach ache when taking them without food, and sometimes with. VERY uncomfortable. I recently started getting Double X from other countries, Thailand, China etc, and their Double X doesn't bother me like the American version does. I found this page doing research on the stomach pain to see if anyone else had the same issue. You are not alone. Again, when they changed the formula? That's when the pain started. I was an IBO then, and also lost a whole company of customers due to it. The CEO ordered Double X for the entire company. People took the pills and had stomach aches, my credibility was completely ruined. I'm sure the distributors are told to gloss over it or to say to take it with food, but it is actually a serious issue. My advice? Use the daily vitamin. It's a single pill and works. That's what I switched to, and then to international Double X. This recent US version that I just ordered? UGH. My stomach is not feeling well as I type this.


davidhunternyc said...

It's so weird, right? Why should vitamins make your stomach turn in knots? I can't figure it out. One person suggested I have a poor diet. I eat organic fruits, vegetables, and yogurt without problems. I am thin and healthy. It's just that the Double X Vitamins destroy my stomach. One time, it hurt my stomach so bad that it was affecting my job as a bartender. I just stopped taking them. At risk of sounding like a commercial, I went back to Centrum Multivitamins for a time but then I found this: Source Naturals Vitamins. No more stomach issues. I can't say for sure that it is making me feel better or not but the reviews are positive and they seem all natural. I think I have stumbled upon my next Multivitamin for years to come.

skylo said...

I take double X and watch the libido do its job. Lol. Thanks Amy. Way

Erin said...

I am an established Amway IBO and on the Nutrilite Vitamins. So far, I have been able to get off of depression, anxiety, and thyroid medications because of the Ridiola, Double X Vitamins, Brain Health Omegas and the black cohosh with soy. Obviously, talk to a doctor before you stop any medications but I stand by the Nutrilite products 100% and my health has increased tenfold. Granted, they are expensive, even as an IBO I recognize that but it is so worth the price in the end. Instead of being on $200 a month worth of medications, I am taking natural supplements for about $120 every 2 months! If you are interested, my website is and feel free to message me anytime!

Anonymous said...

I quit Amway too but I will never say nothing bad about their training or products. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. You must believe to understand.

Anonymous said...

I came here to read reviews and then saw people who are not fans for MLM especially Amway. I knew someone that worked for them not as a rep, and I know a distributor/rep who tried to get me to join his team. He sent me a weeks worth of Double X. My favorite vitamins come from Whole Foods like Mega Foods and I prefer liquid but some have so much sugar. I was afraid to take the Double X because I have heard Herbalife causes cancer.

Anonymous said...

So anyway I called my mother who said drop it in a glass of water and see how long it takes to dissolve. I pulled glasses off the shelf and even put my Mega Foods into water. Double X dissolved first and broke apart. The rep didn't even know. Then I found an athlete on YouTube reviewing the product. I like it because I took one a day. I had energy. I know that it isn't just being consumed and excreted but actually dissolving so my body can absorb what it needs. It has a whole foods component that I believe is organic. So I will take that any day over Costco well I take Collagen from Youth Theory from Costco.

Anonymous said...

You have to take what works for you.

Anonymous said...

If you are having stomach pains it may have nothing to do with double x but another internal issue apart from the stomach. I am speaking from experience. It could be early stages of kidney,intestinal or liver disorders.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am an amway distributor and I never believe in supplements. Never! My initial thought was I feel that the vitamins in amway are so expensive and I think if I am eating right with enough rest I should be good to go. I was never so wrong.

Lucky for me. My husband was looking at my poor health and brought me some vitamins. Double x is one of them where he forces me to take them daily ( only once a day. But I know I am suppose to take them 2 times a day). After a week I can feel that my energy level increase and I never felt so alive before. I tested it again by stop eating them and I really feel the difference. Not only did my energy level increase, my focus and concentration got better! Now I can get through the whole day without feeling sleepy during working hours! Amazing.

Now it is like drug to me i can live without it (with lower energy level) but I choose to eat it. I swear by the products and I'm starting to take based on their recommended dosage and I will see what is going to happen to me soon.

You can choose not to take it or spend a few dollar to test it for one month. If you feel is good then continue, if not then is just a few dollar down the drain. But I will end it by saying won't it be a tragedy if for a few dollar you can test a product that can increase your productivity in life. But due to some perception that you might have you choose other wise.

Joecool said...

So show us some unbiased evidence that Amway vitamins are any better than the ones I can get at Walmart for a fraction of the price.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe you passed the bar when you don't know the difference between your and you're. You're a condescending moron.

Stoned Dude said...

Ok, as a former Amway "distributor" I have the right to hate everything to do with them more than anyone else. HOWEVER, there is one thing I've kept using over the years. The Nutrilite Double X. Store vitamins are cheap, and one pill, because people want to buy a huge bottle of pills for 6 bucks. I will tell you that when I have something that needs to heal, I take the Double X vitamins. I've been walking on a broken (shattered) ankle for 3 years now. I've been taking the vitamins for a month again now, the pain and swelling are reduced probably 25%. Years ago I had severe frostbite on my feet, to where the skin was black. The vitamins healed that. I will say this, Amway branded products are actually good stuff, it's just the distributor networks got bigger than the company itself. The problems you see with "pyramid schemes" are the distributors selling motivational materials to lower people, not the company.

Joecool said...

Jason, I'm glad you are getting healed but I highly doubt it's because of the vitamins and I doubt that a scientist could prove that your claim is true,

Niraj said...

Nice to read all comments, some positive, some negative. lol

I think its simple, buy the item you can afford.

There is always expensive stuff out there if you want to spend money, but obviously they are better quality.

Just try and if you don't see result then try something else.

Otherwise why Mercedes cost more then Toyota?

Joecool said...

Amway vitamins are like a Yugo that costs like a Mercedes.

Anonymous said...

I was very offended by the negative comments. But I just want to say, thanks to the amway opportunity I'm free. I don't need a job anymore. If amway didn't work for you, maybe you did something wrong? Oh and 4,000pv thats only the beginning you should have kept at it. Learn to think for yourself people, you'd be amazed at what your capable of doing.

Joecool said...

How many of your downline are losing money so you can be free of a job?

Anonymous said...

I was taking XX during the pregnancy of my 4th child. She was born at 31.5 weeks at 4lb.14 oz. - that is almost 9 weeks early. The doc and nurses could not believe how healthy she was and how great she looked for that early gestation. She needed no medical support. Thanks to the great supplements and the prayer chain on the old AMVOX - delivered a healthy child. Lifetime of appreciation to all prayer warriors and to those who developed the product and brought XX to market. God Bless you all!

Anonymous said...

What supplement I need to take in order to overcome the bronchotis?

Joecool said...

You need to see a physician. Supplements are not medicine.

Anonymous said...

As a medical professional with his doctorate. it is my recommendation that everyone try to get all your daily nutrients from their daily intake of food. BUT due to the overwhelming fact that the above mentioned is an almost impossible task sometimes it becomes necessary to supplement. When choosing which supplement to take into your body its important to know what your actually ingesting, so do the research. Through my personal research, double x and other Nutrilite products are the best for me to take. So i do. I am not suggesting that it has some magical powers or is going to be able to cure diseases. But in my opinion it is one of the best supplements out there. But remember supplementing anything is not going to be as good as the real thing. (Disclaimer - I am not recommending that anyone take these products to cure any illness, decide for yourself or contact your physician for more info on your specific situation)
As for your Amway bashing, I have a few questions. The first being; what do you do? are you happy doing it? if you are AWESOME, keep it up! way to go buddy!! Im stoked that whatever your doing is working out for you! but do not hate on people that are actually willing to work hard and build something for themselves. This isnt a get rich quick scheme or pyramid scheme. If you didnt know those are illegal. Amway has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (thats not easy to get). and its been audited and investigated by the US government and has been proven to be an acceptable and legal way to conduct business in the United States of America. Thats why there are now over 84 partner stores including Apple, forever 21, bass pro shop, target, disney, lego, etc.. that have decided to sell their products through "Amways" pipeline. You honestly have my sincere apology for not being successful at this buisness but one thing that i have learned is, you need to put in the work! and if anyone is not willing to dot that, they are going to end up just like you. Stuck at a Job or business that they are a slave to. Working their life away and in their spare time go online and hate on people that have done and are doing what they could not do.

Anonymous said...

Omg lmao are you serious did you just compare Walmart vitamins with Nutrilite !??? 😂

Anonymous said...

How much in debt are you with the government for your degree ? Upline Uncle Sam got you to keep working for him ... Is there a difference ? In life you have to put effort and love what you want to do ... Whether an MLM business owner , teacher , lawyer etc... Whatever goal you set yourself you accomplish and someone below and on top will make more or loose who knows ... The accountant CPA will make more than the Bookeeper and all the CPA does is overlook the Bookeeper and check off to see if it's good ... The nurse will do all the work while the doctor sits on a chair and writes a med script ... But if you want to be in their shoes then work hard for anything ... Wanna be a diamond then work hard for it it's not and overnight thing it's hard takes time but didn't college keep you up late at night ??? Stress you sometimes ??? And take money ??? And for how long ? A month ? No a BA takes 5-6 years 0 income and Debt ... An MLM could talk that long to get to the top and depending on how smart you are then you make sure you don't loose money ... If you don't have it don't spend it ...

Joecool said...

I have yet to see evidence from unbiased sources that Nutirlite is better than the cheaper vitamins you can get anywhere else.

I believe the nest source of nutrition is from a good balanced diet.

Anonymous said...

I was a distributor 20 years ago. My "business" went nowhere. The only two things that worked well enough for me to remember them were LOC and Double X.

I don't need a scientific study to show me that the Amway vitamins work better, I was able to try them myself and see.

Of course, then they ran out, and I couldn't afford to buy any more.

It's kind of like saying clothes don't matter as long as I'm not naked... prove to me, scientifically, that those clothes make me less naked than these other clothes.

No, you buy clothes you like, that make you feel good. Some people really like double X. Some people have horrible stomach pains. Plenty of people can't afford the flipping things.

As for LOC, it's super concentrated, works great, one bottle lasts for years (I'm a dude, your mileage may vary) and I don't see how they make money on the stuff.

Joecool said...

But you couldn't afford to buy them anymore. That says a lot.

Have you tried other vitamins? There's no scientific evidence that double x is better than other comparable multi vitamins.

Your analogy of clothes is a fail because yes, you can wear other clothes and not be naked. You can take other vitamins and feel good. You can exercise and feel good. You can eat a good diet and feel good. Double X is dehydrated fruits and veggies. Guess what? You can just eat those fruits and veggies. And likely cheaper than the $80 for a one month supply.

Unknown said...


You sir are a piece of work and dumber than a brick.

I just read through all the comments here, and your reply to most of them is sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "LA LA LA LA LA I can't hear you... No one here is providing any real evidence." When in fact many have (and yes they were outside of Nutrilites' claims, because they were from personal experience.)

And yes I do understand the Internet has given DBs like you a place to post and spew garbage about anything and everything, and when people can give you real life examples that have happened to them, you can just continue to feel superior by sticking your fingers in your ears and saying everyone is stupid, and no one is showing you any proof.

Also, the "review" done by someone else (not you) is just someone in another MLM bashing one MLM product to better promote his MLM product. Way to pick a 'review'...

I would be a complete DB if I ran around telling everyone CableOne is evil and everyone should just sign up for Comcast instead.. (but I work for Comcast and I get a commission for signing up people to Comcast..) That is exactly what your 'someone else' making that 'review' is doing.

Hopefully someday you'll grow up, move out of your parents basement and learn to listen to and respect others. I know you got your little panties twisted over being in Amway and failing, but G.T.F. over it...

Don't get to pissy about someone finding your site and calling you out on your BS...

Joecool said...

Hi Sam,

So you drop by, call me names, say I am wrong but provide NO EVIDENCE to back up your claims. You've got to do better that that. Until then, you're the one with fingers in the ears going LA LA LA LA LA LA.

Anonymous said...

I am using double x. I think it works for me. Unfortunately i have no unbiased proof to provide you. Can you give me unbiased proof that there is a better supplement out there?

Joecool said...

Eat healthy and you don't need supplements at all.

Unknown said...

Preach it!!! Anything from nutrilite is 5 star quality. How anyone could claim synthetic is beyond me. They are the only company in the world that develops their vitamins from soil to seed to supplement. They do twice the business as GNC, only difference is that Nutrilite provides you with high quality and GNC is a bunch of fillers that you end up just flushing down the toilet.

Joecool said...

LOL, and AFAIK, still there is no scientific evidence that nutrilite is any better than generic vitamins that you can buy at WalMart or a fraction of the price.

Anonymous said...

ya joe cool, you suck. I just read all of this and decided to go with double X. You lost mr cool.

Joecool said...

Have at it. Why would I lose just because you want to waste your money on expensive vitamins?

Anonymous said...

It may not be scientific since I'm not a scientist but years ago I decided to take the Double X vitamins consistently the way the instructions said. Before that I had been undisciplined about it so wanted to see what happened if I did it as it was meant to be done. I managed to do this for a year. After several months I started noticing my moods were more level than in the past, my hair was thicker, my energy level was consistent. I was impressed. I quite taking them just because at the time it became more difficult to come up with the cost each month. I'm considering starting again because I feel it would make a big difference for my health now that I'm older. I'm not a member, in case you are wondering.

Joecool said...

Why don't you eat more fruits and vegetables? These vitamins are just dehydrated fruits and veggies compressed into a pill.

Anonymous said...

This is one study you may not have seen from independent source...

Now to other points the vitamin c used to be from acerola cherries a natural source so why that changed I cannot say. The fact is double x is still one of the only majority plant based supplements on the market. The other point is since the food chain is now being depleted and devitalised with pesticides, herbicides and GM additives, a person cannot easily gain proper nutrition from plants. In USA an estimate of 50% of vegetable matter has some form of contamination or GM tampering. If you want studies they are not hard to find many labs want to try debunk some of nutrilite claims with little or no success. The FDA no longer protects the food chain. The EU tries to and so overseas formulations are different to match the legal ity in the country of sale. Do the research joeciol some of your claims do not stack up.

Joecool said...

What claims have I made that do not stack up? Funny, people who defend Amway always say that but never identify things that do not stack up.

Here's what your review also says about double x:

"Product Weaknesses
•Synthetic ingredients: Contains some synthetic vitamins, such as Vitamin B6 (from pyridoxine hydrochloride), Vitamin C (from ascorbic acid), Folic Acid, and Vitamin B12 (from cyanocobalamin).
•High price: Due to its network marketing distribution model Double X comes at a premium price."

Anonymous said...

Yeah! five years...

Anonymous said...

Nutrilite double x is amazing. It helped my husband in hay fever and asthma. It's just fantastic. He takes all three, mineral.vitamin n phytonutrient supplements only once a day.

Anonymous said...

I was reading multiple things over multivitamins and trying to think what does NSF certification really mean! It looks like not many of the vitamins available in the market have the NSF certification. Double X is NSF certified. What does that really mean?

Joecool said...

I'm not sure, I'll need to look it up

Anonymous said...

i took double x vitamins for 10 years. i just assumed double x was better than any other vitamin on the market. but after 10 years of use i think that double x is just a basic multivitamin. if you look at the ingredients double x has maltodextrin, yeast, corn starch, dextrin, soy protein isolate which is a GMO by the way. so there is cheap fillers in double x. I have started having blood sugar issues with all of the starches in double x. when i took them i felt a boost of energy similar to an energy drink. a few hours later i felt tired. This symptoms did not happen when i first started taking them. about five years after i started. now if i take them double x just makes me feel tired. so i stopped taking them.

Anonymous said...

i took double x vitamins for 10 years. i just assumed double x was better than any other vitamin on the market. but after 10 years of use i think that double x is just a basic multivitamin. if you look at the ingredients double x has maltodextrin, yeast, corn starch, dextrin, soy protein isolate which is a GMO by the way. so there is cheap fillers in double x. I have started having blood sugar issues with all of the starches in double x. when i took them i felt a boost of energy similar to an energy drink. a few hours later i felt tired. This symptoms did not happen when i first started taking them. about five years after i started. now if i take them double x just makes me feel tired. so i stopped taking them.

Joecool said...

AFAIK, double x has not been scientifically proven to be better than any other generic multi vitamins (unless you ask an Amway IBO) and the major difference is that double x costs way more than other brands.

Unknown said...

Am now a very very healthy 76 and look 50 and my wife at 71 years looks like she is 35. Thank you Amway and thank you Double X. Have been taking them continuously since the mid 1970's. I love these morons who think there is something better. Costco??? Centrum??? You have got to be kidding!!! If these brands and others are so very good and there seem to be so many of them that you think rival or better Double X then why in hell do the takers of these vitamins look ancient and resemble varying forms of walking death. Want to see if certain vitamins work? Hang out with the buyers...find out what they buy and take and how long they have been doing so. Then take a look at their current health and for that matter check out the current look of health on the folks who work at so called vitamin/supplement/health food stores. The proof is in the pudding and I will put myself and my wife up against anyone's product. We are living proof of the possibilities of Amway Double X!!! Double X is a Ferrari. All others are Chevy Vegas. You get what you pay for folks....PERIOD!!!

Joecool said...

Like I have said, people critical of Amway have actual facts and people defending Amway have nice anecdotal stories and unsupported claims of success or testimonies like Ken Hansen.

Peterisland said...

Have fun at work for the rest of your life, while some people retire and travel the world in there 20s and 30s. #PeterIsland (look it up and ask yourself if you could stay at least one night there) feet in the sand as I post!! Haters and doubters will always be there. Fight for your dream in a vehicle that works. Jobs pay bills... not create lifestyle

Anonymous said...

There are diamonds out there with no degree and no education. People who don't build aren't successful. College doesn't work for everyone either. Some people make it, some people don't. Success doesn't come without hard work, in any arena, any business. Over 1000 teams play for Amway, just like there are 32 for the NFL. It sounds like this team was like playing for the browns. It doesn't mean the NFL sucks. And if Amway was such a scam, then why would the federal trade commission deem it legal, yet shut down Veema? Why was a co-founder elected to the US chamber of commerce? Why was his SON then elected into that same position twice? If it's so legal, why is there a board room dedicated to Amway at the chamber of commerce? Why has the federal trade commission compared every business model similar to Amway's TO amways model? It's only the legal standard. And your uncles cousins best friends sisters dog didn't succeed, so it must be a scam? Please... do your research. Don't take it from one person without the right work ethic to change your mind. Fact check, thanks. The company has been around for almost 60 years, it's legal and not a scam.

Raul said...

Facts based on research not search, because anyone can search in google, but it takes a little time to do adequate research.
For those not familiar with NSF,
NSF International - A leading third-party independent test lab that validates the claims made by a manufacturer regarding a product. They review and validate an array of products from food, cosmetics, vitamins, etc.
To be NSF certify means all claims were verify and proven to be true by this independent lab.
Nutrilite Double X is NSF certify
GNC vitamins are NOT NSF certify
GNC Mens packs (upper end vitamin) ~$70.00 versus Nutrilite Double X (upper end vitamin) ~$70.00
Vitamins are not regulated by the FDA. Therefore, the quality of the product and what is on the label is based on the honor system. Of course, unless you have an independent lab test your product and validate its content.
As far as determining true efficacy of a product, it can only be ascertain by doing blood test pre-vitamin intake and post-vitamin after an appropriate period of time. The blood test will provide you with a macro view of taking the vitamin by offering levels of specific elements. The true effect would have to be studied at the micro-cellular level, and it would require to look at the red blood cells (RBC) thru an electron microscope working in their natural environment in the production of enzymes from the amino acids, building blocks of life. Therefore, a less invasive approach of the effect of the vitamin is by testimony. How energy levels changed, appearance of skin, frequency or lack off of acquiring illnesses, etc. We know that overall health is directly related to the health of the cells in the body.

I leave you with an article from the New Your Times in an investigation conducted by the NY States Attorney office in 2015. Keep in mind the investigation only took a sample of the total vitamins supplied by these companies.

New York Attorney General Targets Supplements at Major Retailers

Below is excerpt from article. Recommend reading the full article for it will be an eye opening.
Among the attorney general’s findings was a popular store brand of ginseng pills at Walgreens, promoted for “physical endurance and vitality,” that contained only powdered garlic and rice. At Walmart, the authorities found that its ginkgo biloba, a Chinese plant promoted as a memory enhancer, contained little more than powdered radish, houseplants and wheat — despite a claim on the label that the product was wheat- and gluten-free.
Three out of six herbal products at Target — ginkgo biloba, St. John’s wort and valerian root, a sleep aid — tested negative for the herbs on their labels. But they did contain powdered rice, beans, peas and wild carrots. And at GNC, the agency said, it found pills with unlisted ingredients used as fillers, like powdered legumes, the class of plants that includes peanuts and soybeans, a hazard for people with allergies.~

Raul said...

Here is my business analysis,
Statistically an item's production cost is approximately 20% of its retail value.
An item that sells for $6.00, base on the business model cost $1.20 to manufacture ($6.00 x .20 = $1.20).
The other 80% goes to the distribution chain and the majority of the 80% goes to the retailer, for the retailer has the biggest operating cost and investors to satisfy, specially if a public company.
From the $1.20, the manufacturer has to purchase raw material, pay factory employees, and cover overhead expenses. This lends to the question, "What kind of quality can the manufacturer achieve with a fraction of $1.20?", because not all the $1.20 went to production.
I guess that may be the source of the saying, "you get what you pay for".

TK said...

Amway use Demontrations to how well the Vitamines work for your health. Why I don't see cosco or Centrum doing that?

TK said...

Doulbe X Cost more because its better for your health.Its not a pill,its Tablets Some people try to change minds by saying whats bad about something. They don't know nothing About it.Besides what they hear others say. Try taking a serving of Doulbe X before you say whats wrong with it.Maybe it might change something .

Anonymous said...

I've used Double X in Australia. It made me sick even after food. And its a rip off. I know for a fact there are better vitamins than Double X on the market. And Ken Hansen I have also seen people who DON'T take Double X who look just as healthy

Anonymous said...

They use SYNTHETIC vitamins in Double X while making you think it's all natural and plant-sourced.

Compare that to the Garden of Life Multivitamin brand.

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