Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Whatever Happened To "Anonymous From Canada"?

There used to be an anonymous from Scarborough Canada who used to entertain me and my blog audience with his antics. Here's a reprint of a previous post in his honor. I hope he didn't quit Amway and become a broke loser. :)

Some of my regular readers here knows that there's an anonymous cowardly blogger from Scarborough Ontario Canada who has left threats and insults on my blog almost ad nauseum. I gave him my contact information but he was too chicken to contact me. He is apparently a low level IBO who has a entry level job in a bank. Here's a humorous set of comments he recently left ony my blog. Enjoy!

Anonymous said: "That's why you didn't make the kind of money you were hoping to make. When I registered a thought came to my mind quite early on; instead of me finding 6 people who find 4 who find 2 each, why don't I just find one person who will find 6 people who find 4 who find 2 each? After-all, I still get 7500 PV and 50K/year!!! Sadly, as I found out, in doing so, I would net out only about $700/month instead of $5700/month. Structure is the key baby! BIG DIFFERENCE! So, I got serious about it and went for my 6 people! Did it all go just as advertised? No, but I earn a good $4000-4500 per month. Do I plan to stop here? No! I plan to go 100K/year by December 2011. So remember, business structure is vital for profitability. Stop whining and get to work!"

Anonymous said: "My Amway expenses are WAY FAR from wiping out my monthly Amway earnings. Or are you referring to my general, every day expenses? If yes, then there really is nothing to argue about. The same can be said about anyone whose job income also equals my Amway monthly income. For your information, I make almost twice as much from Amway than any other job I ever had."

Anonymous said: "Buddy Joe, my J.O.B was from 9 in the morning till 6 in the evening, Monday to Friday, working as a customer service representative. I was making about $2360/month. So don't you think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, $4000/month from Amway isn't a little bit, JUST A TINY LITTLE BIT, MORE than $2360? So what if I earn $4000/month you ask? Buddy Joe, I think that you're aware of $4000 figure being TOO REAL TO YOU, it's just that you were nowhere near that and now you're bitter about it. Why am I there and you aren't? Don't know and don't want to know. All I see is your bitterness and complacency. So shut up!"

Joe's commentary: So my anonymous friend in making $4000 a month from Amway? Of course he provides no evidence and not even an anecdotal explanation of how he makes $4000 a month. Of course, $4000 a month isn't much when you still have to pay for medical insurance and your other business expenses. Not to mention, I earn a lot more than that from my job. But anon from Canada, thanks for your entertaining tirades! I truly enjoy what you add to my blog! :-)


Unknown said...

Haha, I really enjoyed these comments. It's amazing how many of these companies take advantage of people, and they wonder where all this money comes from.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he just decided it wasnt worth his time to prove his point. Just as some of us will always think or say its a scam, he probably got tired of it and decided to continue without making it known that he likes what he does.

Joecool said...

Nah, he's a broke loser who quit Amway. LOL

Vish said...

Good on you mate for putting up with such vitriol and finding humour in it. That anonymous chap i suspect is another dream builder who might be close to broke, trying to derive some sarcastic pleasure by ribbing ppl who were wise enough to quit. But just for his good, i hope he realises before sanity deserts him.

Joecool said...

He likely quit Amway and doesn't comment on blogs aymore. It was quite humorous at times. I wish him well.

Anonymous said...

Joe, are you still with Amway?

Joecool said...

I left Amway in 1998. I saw thru the scam after a short while.

Anonymous said...

Years ago I had a girlfriend. Her aunt and uncle got roped into this, and they got her and her mom involved. They pitched me on it, and I refused -- which then became another of the host of issues in our relationship, which I ended several months later. I was present during some of their strategizing and frankly it was laughable. I really had never heard of Amway before this but I knew immediately that it was a scam. All these years later I'm still curious how far they went with this nonsense. I know that they (or they claimed) to file papers with the Ontario government, and I'm wonder if they had to submit financial papers that are available to the public?

Anonymous said...

You are too lol

David Smith said...

I liked the content on this site. Would like to visit again.

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