Monday, February 1, 2010

Amway Global - You're A Winner!

One of the funny things was how our upline would call all the IBOs "winners". Now obviously, an upline has to be positive an upbeat in this people type of business. But a neutral observer would probably be literally rolling on the floor laughing when you saw the reality of the business. You sign up for Amway and you are instantly labeled as a winner. You buy some products and you are a winner! Buy cd's and attend meetings, you are a winner! Part of the problem however, is that these same uplines will imply that people who are not a part of Amway are "losers". I often heard that if you are not a winner, then.........

But it is clear to me (now) that the positive reinforcement is just a part of upline's retention efforts. Call your downline winners, and then there is subtle pressure for people to stay in and "never quit" because then they would be considered "losers" if they left the business.

But this is a business isn't it? A business exists to make a profit and most IBOs who participate in Amway end up with less money than they start with. Even disregarding all the IBOs who "do nothing", still only fraction of 1% makes any money if they are in a system of voicemail, functions, standing orders, books and other support materials.

So if you lose money, are you a winner? If you have been in the business for a few months and cannot sponsor anyone, are you a winner? If you cannot get anyone to see the plan, are you a winner? If you cannot sell any Amway products, are you a winner?
If you never quit and lose money month after month and year after year, are you a winner?

Your upline has probably explained the definition of insanity to you.


Anonymous said...

Dude, where do you get off making your snide comments about a business opportunity? Just becoz you failed doesn't mean you have to bash others and take them down with you. Get a fucking life.

Joecool said...

You're definitely a winner in my book!

Anonymous said...

I know many people who could not sponsor anyone in the first few months, who did not show the plan, who did not sell any products, who did not make any money... but now they do, because they ultimately learned things that were not obvious to them in the first few months, and some times even years.

When I ask them to look at their past experiences they invariably consider their time in Amway as an investment that has yielded positive results.

Joecool said...

Anonymous, I agree that you can get better at these things. But for the vast majority of people, the "investing" in tools to learn these skills just becomes a money pit. When only a fraction of 1% ever reaches platinum, the alleged level where you break even, I'd say the investment is not worth it.

Anonymous said...

You're right JoeCool, that's why some people make it and some don't. It's unfortunate you didn't.

ltdteambuilder said...

I agree with JoeCool. Having reached the platinum level and been to Ada for the platinum trip. Ever year for the past 9 yrs we have shown a loss or maybe a breakeven but that depends if u look at the time involved, which is a lot, not to mention the overhead,aka system costs & volume costs. And if the reason u got involved was to make money you have to ask yourself are you? If you choose to purse other opportunities that doesn't make you a loser and I now have a Life now that I've unplugged myself from the system. Guess I'll have to think for myself you should try doing the same. Oh and I even participated in the tool bonuses as well, but then I realized you have to have a lot of width to make money with Amway and that the real money comes from the BSM's. The systems would probably be better off without being attached to Amway but that is what they rest their legitamacey on. As far as profit margin think about it they don't have to share it with Amway and they only share the system profits with platinums and above. So they have a large pool of people paying in and only a small percent reaping the rewards. Plus the purpose of the tools is to promote the system.
Unlike Amway who just keeps the breakage (look it up) and has a comp plan that encourages a revolving door business and having to constantly sponsor people. Look at the diamonds they still have to sponsor people "to set the example" no its cause they have to have side volume in order to maintain qualifications. Chances are they have fallen out of qualification but it doesn't matter cause 70% of their income is coming from the tools & functions.
Just keep going & u too can be adored by the masses & make money from teaching them the secrets to wealth. Which of coarse isn't the movement of Amway products but the movement of tools and getting people to the functions.

ltdteambuilder said...

Why is it that people who post apposing comments always hide behind anonymous just something to think about

ltdteambuilder said...

I agree with JoeCool. Having reached the platinum level and been to Ada for the platinum trip. Ever year for the past 9 yrs we have shown a loss or maybe a breakeven but that depends if u look at the time involved, which is a lot, not to mention the overhead,aka system costs & volume costs. And if the reason u got involved was to make money you have to ask yourself are you? If you choose to purse other opportunities that doesn't make you a loser and I now have a Life now that I've unplugged myself from the system. Guess I'll have to think for myself you should try doing the same. Oh and I even participated in the tool bonuses as well, but then I realized you have to have a lot of width to make money with Amway and that the real money comes from the BSM's. The systems would probably be better off without being attached to Amway but that is what they rest their legitamacey on. As far as profit margin think about it they don't have to share it with Amway and they only share the system profits with platinums and above. So they have a large pool of people paying in and only a small percent reaping the rewards. Plus the purpose of the tools is to promote the system.
Unlike Amway who just keeps the breakage (look it up) and has a comp plan that encourages a revolving door business and having to constantly sponsor people. Look at the diamonds they still have to sponsor people "to set the example" no its cause they have to have side volume in order to maintain qualifications. Chances are they have fallen out of qualification but it doesn't matter cause 70% of their income is coming from the tools & functions.
Just keep going & u too can be adored by the masses & make money from teaching them the secrets to wealth. Which of coarse isn't the movement of Amway products but the movement of tools and getting people to the functions.

Anonymous said... is where you see how many people succeed in the IBO business.