Friday, March 11, 2011

Paid What You Are Worth?

One of the things I saw and I believe is still taught today, is that Amway recruiters will talk about people's jobs and how you can only earn what the job is worth, and not what you are worth. Then they tell you to join the Amway business as a means to rectify that situation.

When you stop and really think twice about this, you have to wonder. If your employer doesn't pay you what you think you deserve, you are welcome to offer your services to a higher bidder. If you are unable to find a higher bidder, then you either need to increase what you have to offer, or you have overestimated your value as an employee. But at least as an employee, you have a paycheck that you can depend on, and more than likely, you know when your paydays are.

Now you get excited about being a business owner. Are you now paid what you're worth? Or at least, are you on your way to being paid what you are worth? Have you even asked or thought about what you are worth? Most IBOs, not counting the ones who "do nothing". end up moving 100 PV and getting $10 back from Amway. If they are on the system, they are likely to have spent over $100 a month to participate. Are you now "paid what you are worth?". You are in the negative, and even adding some downline is unlikely to change your situation significantly.

When you spend about $300 to make 100 PV, Amway gets paid. When you earn your 100 PV, Amway will give back about $75 in bonus money. Middle men in your upline take about $65, leaving you with $10. Are you paid what you are worth? Who did the work and who got the lion's share of the reward?

Let's say you worked really hard for a couple of years. You finally reach platinum and you earn $50,000 (before taxes). After taxes and business expenses, let's say you net $25,000. Have you now earned what you are worth? A platinum is in the top 1% of all IBOs and they net maybe $25,000 to $30,000. Are they paid what they are worth? If you can't answer yes to any of these questions, you have to ask yourself if the whole thing is worth it?


Anonymous said...

you are such a loser bashing something you probably didnt even participate in wow show how much integrity you have and even though i didnt join Amway anyone who is reading the stuff from this loser needs to check out

Anonymous said...

What a loser anyone that wants to know about the amway business needs to stop reading the bs this loser has posted and go yo

Anonymous said...

p.s. have fun with all the legals you'll probably get hit by because your bashing a company who did 10 billion in 2010 and paid back 4.6billion so take that to the bank

Anonymous said...

i'd rather kiss a pig!

Joecool said...

Like average IBO earns $115 a month before taxes and expenses?

Like .00076 people go diamond?

Those facts?

Anonymous said...

anon #1 and 2, TAKE A HIKE, SICKOS!

Anonymous said...

i am considering joining this amway thing...but i like to hear the positives (via upline)...and the negatives(sites like this), to make an informed decision.
ibo facts belong to amway so they would "paste" the truth...independent sites are more reliable in giving the truth...
I have been to a couple meetings and this guy(joecool) seems to have pertinent knowledge (beyond the average "gromet")on the inner workings...If anyone is platinum, and doing otherwise,I think they should comment and correct this guy...until then, these "facts" will continue to stand.

Joecool said...

I would like to add that:

1. I have nothing to gain by sharing my experience and information.

2. Amway would force me to remove any blatant false information fromt this site.

Unknown said...

im like this.. if it is sooo bad why has it been around for so long? i guess most people are just really bad at getting leads and get disappointed when they dont make $1000 in their frst couple of days and then get upset and call it a scam. its all about the mindset and how you look at it! im involved with acompany similar to this but in my experience i feel that it is a whole lot better than this if you would like to know more feel free to shoot me an email to request info at

Joecool said...

Hasani Burrel,

Has the mafia or illegal drug dealers been shit down? They've been around longer than Amway.

Anonymous said...

But that is the thing, isn't it? It IS legal AND still around. I call the lottery a scam, but it is LEGAL. Now we say legal a lot, but what does it mean? Just now, looking it up on Google, the definitions state:
1. of, based on, or concerned with the law "The American LEGAL system"
2. permitted by law "he claimed that it had all been legal"