Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Amway Global - The Problem With Amway Defenders?

There is a big division between critics and defenders in the Amway business. I believe that critics play an important role in providing information to the information seeking public. Some promoters of the opportunity are less than honest about what they present and in fact, discourage prospects from seeking more information. It is true that a "rogue" critic who may just be mad at the world may not provide that factual information, but many critics are simply sharing their experiences so others may see the hazards and problems that plagued their experience, and prospects can look out and possibly avoid these same pitfalls.

There are a few supporters, in particular, one who has made it his personal mission to defend Amway, apparently pro bono. But these supporters, are they truly helping the cause? These Amway defenders set up google alerts so they can be notified each and everytime someone writes something about Amway. When there's new information posted, they drop into the blog or forum to quickly "clear up" what they consider to be misconceptions about Amway. In some instances, these so called defenders such as IBOFightback or Bridgett, drop into a conversation unwanted. They drop into an established online community to set them straight about Amway. Instead of setting anyone straight, they simply tick off a host of online community members who are now 100% sour on Amway.

It is my opinion that the Amway defenders like IBOFightback and Bridgett do more harm to the Amway name than good. Imagine you are sitting at a bar with some buddies and someone brings up Amway into the discussion. Some guy across the room comes running over to your gang and says you are all obviously wrong and misled about Amway. Do you invite the guy over to talk with you or punch him in the nose? I'm not saying they don't have a right to publish their own blogs and stories, but to drop into an established forum and trying to "set them straight" is like an unwanted house guest. Ironically, they are currently whining about some potential damage caused by critical statements about Amway but completely ignore how much personal and financial damage has been done to people by untrue positive information about Amway, such as the ability to retire before the age of 30 with lifelong residual income. Who is accountable for that damage?


rocket said...

The ironic thing about it is what they are doing is a CASE STUDY in trolling

Yet when a critic appears and gives their viewpoints (which are usually irrefutable) they call them trolls IN SPITE of the fact that they are having a discussion on websites that critics are known to view!

Not too hypocritical at all, that.

Joecool said...

I recall a poster names Mike posted on IBOFB's site with a relevent question and the question was never answered and Mike was accused of trolling. IBOFB isn't interested in the truth, he is just running a propaganda website for his minions.

rocket said...

Yeah, all 10 or so of them. Just think, all they need to do is change the mindset of about 330 million people and Amway might have a chance in North America once again!

IBOFB is a douchebag. Here's a sel;f proclaimed expert who has hit what level? Not even platinum?

And the rest of them are at what level?

I wouldn't be surprised if Amway all of a sudden colluded to make Steadson a Platinum without him actually achieving that on his own.

It may sound a bit conspiracy thor-ish, but quite frankly, I have absolutely zero faith for the Amway corporation to be honest and above board about anything.


Joecool said...

Someone had mentioned that IBOFB may have been "placed" somewhere in an LOS, allegedly because he was capable. But that isn't duplicatable which is the key to your donwline's alleged success. I think his tactics really do hurt Amway more than help. BTW, based on the statements of the ilk who post on his site, I came to the conclusion that most of their downline lose their shirts, if they are on the system.

Anonymous said...

I know a few friends in the Amway business that do well. They are also very honest about it. Haters are everywhere. You guys are haters.

Anonymous said...

whatever that means...